Join a global movement of fierce mothers on a pathway of wisdom, reaching generations.

Join a global movement of fierce mothers on a pathway of wisdom, reaching generations.

Join a global movement of fierce mothers on a pathway of wisdom, reaching generations.

Join a global movement of fierce mothers on a pathway of wisdom, reaching generations.

These mamas meet in living rooms and coffee shops and businesses around the world, integrating the often invisible parts of the mothering journey.

We are students and we are leaders.

We are taking the current patterns of connection deeper, and
making them ceremonial and sacred.

We are practicing wisdom around birth and sex and money and worth, and living deeply from our values. And it’s touching every part of our lives, filtering into our work, our relationships and our mothering.

We are courageously navigating our rites of passage and bringing back the wisdom for our communities.

We know we are not meant to do this alone, and we know that concentric circles of mothers supporting mothers is the answer.

Together, we build MotherCulture.

These mamas meet in living rooms and coffee shops and businesses around the world, integrating the often invisible parts of the mothering journey.

We are students and we are leaders.

We are taking the current patterns of connection deeper, and
making them ceremonial and sacred.

We are practicing wisdom around birth and sex and money and worth, and living deeply from our values. And it’s touching every part of our lives, filtering into our work, our relationships and our mothering.

We are courageously navigating our rites of passage and bringing back the wisdom for our communities.

We know we are not meant to do this alone, and we know that concentric circles of mothers supporting mothers is the answer.

Together, we build MotherCulture.

These mamas meet in living rooms and coffee shops and businesses around the world, integrating the often invisible parts of the mothering journey.

We are students and we are leaders.

We are taking the current patterns of connection deeper, and making them ceremonial and sacred.

We are practicing wisdom around birth and sex and money and worth, and living deeply from our values. And it’s touching every part of our lives, filtering into our work, our relationships and our mothering.

We are courageously navigating our rites of passage and bringing back the wisdom for our communities.

We know we are not meant to do this alone, and we know that concentric circles of mothers supporting mothers is the answer.

Together, we build MotherCulture.

“MotherCircle gave me reassurance that I’m not alone, that there’s nothing wrong with me. The demands of motherhood are universal.”


Start Here

Start Here

Here's how you can join the movement.

Our facilitators offer MotherCircles in communities around the world,
and each year we train more leaders to facilitate this transformative 8-week experience through the unseen arc of the mothering journey.

Our facilitators offer MotherCircles in communities around the world, and each year we train more leaders to facilitate this transformative 8-week experience through the unseen arc of the mothering journey.



Join the next MotherCircle Online Gathering with our Founders, Kimberly Ann Johnson, and Jessica Connolly.

An 8 class online gathering for mothers who want to understand the unseen parts of their motherhood journey - physically, sexually, emotionally, spiritually, and archetypally.

Put the pieces together of your own motherhood journey.


MotherCircle Facilitator

Certification Program

Want to join 180 women facilitating MotherCircles
on 4 continents?

A comprehensive 9 week certification program for women who desire to create, strengthen and lead circles of mothers in their communities using the MotherCircle format and curriculum.

Your leadership journey starts here.



Join the next MotherCircle Online Gathering with our Founders, Kimberly Ann Johnson, and Jessica Connolly.

An 8 class online gathering for mothers who want to understand the unseen parts of their motherhood journey - physically, sexually, emotionally, spiritually, and archetypally.

Put the pieces together of your own motherhood journey.


MotherCircle Facilitator

Certification Program

Want to join 180 women facilitating MotherCircles
on 4 continents?

A comprehensive 9 week certification program for women who desire to create, strengthen and lead circles of mothers in their communities using the MotherCircle format and curriculum.

Your leadership journey starts here.


Where it all began, and how we got here.

We created MotherCircle to mend the threads of disconnection and build the world we want our children to belong to.

Our patterns of relating are out of alignment with the fundamental needs that all humans have for connection and belonging.

The cultural fabric is torn and we believe that it’s our work to do something about it. We have moved away from village-mindedness, and it’s mothers who suffer the most.

But what if we could change that simply through mothers gathering and connecting about the things that really matter?

What if instead of an epidemic of disconnection we could seed a culture of wisdom?

For us, for our children, and for our children’s children.

This is the mission of MotherCircle.

Women circling is the oldest code. Ancient wisdom and modern research tell us that when women gather, their mental health drastically improves.

And when mothers thrive, communities thrive.

We created MotherCircle to mend the threads of disconnection and build the world we want our children to belong to.

Our patterns of relating are out of alignment with the fundamental needs that all humans have for connection and belonging.

The cultural fabric is torn and we believe that it’s our work to do something about it. We have moved away from village-mindedness, and it’s mothers who suffer the most.

But what if we could change that simply through mothers gathering and connecting about the things that really matter?

What if instead of an epidemic of disconnection we could seed a culture of wisdom?

For us, for our children, and for our children’s children.

This is the mission of MotherCircle.

Women circling is the oldest code. Ancient wisdom and modern research tell us that when women gather, their mental health drastically improves.

And when mothers thrive, communities thrive.

We created MotherCircle to mend the threads of disconnection and build the world we want our children to belong to.

Our patterns of relating are out of alignment with the fundamental needs that all humans have for connection and belonging.

The cultural fabric is torn and we believe that it’s our work to do something about it. We have moved away from village-mindedness, and it’s mothers who suffer the most.

But what if we could change that simply through mothers gathering and connecting about the things that really matter?

What if instead of an epidemic of disconnection we could seed a culture of wisdom?

For us, for our children, and for our children’s children.

This is the mission of MotherCircle.

Women circling is the oldest code. Ancient wisdom and modern research tell us that when women gather, their mental health drastically improves.

And when mothers thrive, communities thrive.


We know that it begins with us.


We know that it begins with us.



You can get started and lead a MotherBlessing with the help of this free, comprehensive beginner's guide.



Join us for our next online Gathering with our Founders, Kimberly Ann Johnson, and Jessica Connolly.



We are building MotherCulture with fierce mamas around the world. Find a MotherCircle in your area.

“If you are drawn to MotherCircle, trust yourself. I wish all women knew and had this kind of awareness; and gentle/strong holding of space. I definitely feel that much more of this is needed.”


It takes a village to raise a child, and it
takes a village to raise a mother. This is that village.

It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a village to raise a mother. This is that village.

Get access to resources, free trainings,
and join the movement.

Get access to resources, free trainings, and join the movement.

“As someone who facilitates groups with mothers, MotherCircle has given me my own safe and rich container in which to feel through and process my motherhood journey, as well as provide me with valuable learning opportunities to grow and evolve personally and in my work as well.”